Get you and your whole family on the same team


with Family Unity


A 10-week program for the parent who wants to get their teenager back on track, and experience more peace in the home.




Get you and your whole family on the same team


with Family Unity


A 10-week program for the parent who wants to get their teenager back on track, and experience more peace in the home.





“I’ve never witnessed a coach that possesses the kind of positive connection with families like Dr. Judd. If your family is struggling to work as a team, Dr. Judd is the only mediator to get you back on track."


Ty Detmer, Heisman Trophy Winner


A Peek Into My Journey


People call me the “Teen Captain and Parent Advocate.” Teens love me because they think I’m a badass. Parents love me because I tell it to them straight.

Once an egotistical teenager myself, I’ve walked one hell of a journey to become the compassionate man and mentor that I am today. 

The deepest inspiration for this work? I grew up in a military academy and felt the stories from being cast out by my family. I was able to heal my relationship with each member of my family, most importantly that with my father, just before his death.

I want to save every individual I work with unnecessary time so that they can actually enjoy each other while they’re here on earth.


You’re worried about your teenager’s future.


I get it.


You want the best for your teenager, and somewhere along the way your relationship took a turn for the worse.
You used to be the “cool parent,” and seemingly overnight, your son or daughter didn’t want to listen to a word that you say.

Now, the tension in the house feels unbearable at times. You can feel your teenager’s resentment towards you before you even say a thing.

If you try to bring up anything about dating, school, or their curfew, you’re met instantly with pushback and attitude.

You just want someone to help you get your teenager to listen to you again. You want peace in the household. And you want to know your teenager is going to be responsible for their future.


That’s why I created Family Unity!


Are You Next?


Are you ready to make the transformation you need to get your family back on the same page again?


Are you eager to experience more peace, and fewer arguments?


Do you want to feel safe and secure when it comes to the decisions your teenager is making?



What Parents Are Saying About Family Unity


Family Unity Is Perfect For The Parent Who Wants:




More Peace

The days of tension you could cut with a knife in the house are over. Take several deep breaths and let out a big *sigh* because you and your family are about to see things eye-to-eye again.






Fewer Arguments

Not everything needs to turn into an argument. Have hard conversations with your teen and the rest of the family without it blowing up.






More Trust

Your teen will actually feel safe approaching you with their most vulnerable information and questions. When you become their safe space, a whole new level of relationship and intimacy is going to open up for you.






Better Communication

When challenging subjects come up in the house, you’ll know exactly how to handle them. Learn how to navigate turbulent emotional waters as a family, with ease. Talk things out with confidence and arrive at decisions everyone can agree on.






A Secure Future

Rather than fearing for your teen’s future, you’ll learn how to let go of control and trust them to make their own informed decisions. You’ll feel secure knowing that your only responsibility is to love them unconditionally and to provide the best support that you can. The rest? It’s up to your teen.





Your Family Unity Journey:

Over 10 weeks, you will become a master of my signature 3-step successful communication process:


1 SEE:


Identify the problem in order to fix the problem. When you’re clear on what’s actually causing the issue, and the lingering fears hiding behind it, you’ll instantly feel more free and empowered to act in a way that will create more harmony inside your home.




Once you take a break to calm yourself down from the situation, identify what it is that you really need. When you’re clear on what you need, as well as the deeper underlying needs related to what’s coming up, you’ll gain even more power over the situation.




Most of us are actually disconnected from our emotions. Our childhood conditioning has caused us to push them down and to act like everything’s okay. This 3-step process will provide both you and your teens the space to actually feel your feelings. You’ll learn how to manage your emotions so that you can become the safe space your teen really needs in order to grow, heal, and evolve.


How The Program Works:


Unlock Lifetime Access to the Course

Youā€™ll be able to login anytime from anywhere to take in the content Iā€™ve prepared for you and your family.

Access your course from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Connect through Bi-weekly Group Calls

Youā€™ll join me and the parent community twice a month over video.

Weā€™ll dive into the course materials (including video lessons, weekly meditations, and Family Unity Workbook) and Iā€™ll help you apply them to your life so that you can get real time mediation.

Integrate Inside Our Private Facebook Community

Parents just like you will be ready to meet you inside our private memberā€™s only community. This is a great place to connect with like-minded people having similar struggles. Login to this Facebook group anytime to receive additional support and guidance as it pertains to your Family Unity journey.

OPTIONAL: 1-on-1 Mentorship

Eager to receive as much support as possible when it comes to your parenting journey?

Get additional personalized support from me on top of the course package and schedule 1-on-1 coaching calls to facilitate the highest level of success in this program.


Sign Up for the Waitlist

to Receive These One-Time Only Bonuses:


A 1-on-1 Onboarding Call with Dr. Judd(valued at $500)

Just for signing up for the waitlist, you’ll receive one free 1-on-1 call with me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to get to know you and explore the possibilities of how I can help your family in any way.

One Month Free Subscription to the Dr. Judd Meditaton App and the Free “Worry No More” Guided Meditation

How good would it feel to finally be completely free from worry, especially when it comes to your teen? Most parents don’t know that it’s their own hidden fears getting in the way of a harmonized relationship with the rest of the family.

These guided meditations will help you clear through the true blocks in intimacy between you and your teens.

Special Family Unity Price

You’ll also unlock a special discount for the program. Why enroll at full price when the program goes Live when instead you could get in for a fraction of the cost?

Sign up for the waitlist today!


Give your Teenagers the Best Shot at a Brilliant Future

Once you give your teens back their own power to make their own decisions, you will both feel a whole lot freer, calmer, and more empowered.

Let me help you release the control and micromanaging of your teens’ lives and become their sacred and safe space for growth, healing, and evolution.

Your happier, healthier, and more peaceful home starts with only one click of a button. Same goes for your teen’s brilliant future.

I look forward to seeing you and your family inside this program.

Yours in Unity,